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phonocake : Nachtschatten

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 15:09 - 320kb/s - 28.41 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/07/31 01:51h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Night. A small but beautiful window of exclusive light, the last active window in a dark city, showing the attic of a poor but genius inventor, playing piano, while the transmitters send out the frequencies via fm radio, masked informations of future Wu Wei resistance.

Some of you will already know [mikra]'s releases from the netlabel world. If not please await a full length sample piano synth mashup collage album creation of hope, deconstruction, light and shadows. Slightly spooky at some points, but the musical n electronica love lets you keep touch to the air.

This release can be seen as a great addition to the line of Phonocake releases by Ghost Radio, inicolabug and 0c/crp.

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