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12rec : Milhaven

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Playtime: 49:43 - 256kb/s - 74.57 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/09/18 19:08h



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German Postrockers Milhaven, nobody can deny it, are part of the intimate circle of artists that are closely related to 12rec. We published their first two albums, but now we are happy to pass the flame. Albeit, we keep on hand to the torch - their new album, entitled "Milhaven", recorded at the infamous BluBox studios by Guido Lucas, is on purchase in a high-quality book sleeve via Valeot Records. At the same time, we are happy to announce that it is available for FREE DOWNLOAD from the 12rec. servers. Hell yeah. This is how Milhaven say thanks to everybody who supported the fab four with their former music. "Milhaven" is simply the best, Milhaven not only recorded but wrote up to now. Their songs are epic and kinescope, still they never get out of hand or loose the melodic focus. This is classical Postrock, slightly experimental but eventually nothing else than sophisticated Pop music. Sure Milhaven might sound like Explosions in the Sky or Do Make Say Think every once a while. However, what makes them strong and unique is songwriting and integrity. Milhaven do not flirt with Gothic, Metal or razzmatazz alike, their sound remains that of delay and volume but not distortion, the chamber musical minimum of two guitars, bass and battery. Tracks like "Supervulkan", "Barnabas", "Animal 3K" or the intense, textural "The Trees are in Misery" are songs that will stick in your head, that take you on an aural trip and will enrich your life. What else can music offer?creditsreleased 17 February 2010 This is [12rec.061] All music by Milhaven Artwork by Milhaven Recorded @ 


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