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12rec : Bars Closing Down

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Catalog number
Playtime: 55:05 - 192kb/s - 61.97 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:31h



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Release Notes

This release comes up with heavy guitar-drones.Comparable to mogwai or do make say think, these guys combine the groove and harsh power of noiserock with unearthly beautiful melodies. No need for a vocalist when you're able to let your guitars sing!When Simon and me entered this hole for the first time, it was outside nearly as cold as inside. Remarkably less damp it wasn´t eighter down there, so that the sloppy roughcasted walls made a perfect ground for this magnificent mold. Simon plucked up all his courage and sat down on the scary looking couch (in a movie this would have made a smushy sound). Meanwhile I set up the old four track machine and the guys started playing to warm up.

Our first plan, to record every instrument seperately, turned out as impracticable. This band doesn´t work as a combination of different musicians. Milhaven are so grown together with themselves, their instruments and the delay in rehersals (as on stage, if it runs well), that every try of overdubbing would equal an amputation. So we took the risk of a hearing defect and recorded it all live...Our production is surely only able to sketch a draft of the intensity of this band. But the love and the complete devotion of this young men to their rough, epic and unreal beautiful songs are indeed noticable in every note. Please listen to this LP as loud as possible.

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