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MixgalaxyRecords : Luces En La Noche

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Playtime: 38:24 - 320kb/s - 72.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/08/05 07:43h



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Release Notes

You’ve already heard Spanish artist Raul Diaz aka Taker 51′s track called ‘Viento Vagabundo’ on Music For The Weird Clerkfish compilation. And now we release his album ‘Luces En La Noche’ (which means ‘Lights in the night’), so it’s obviously music for a night. In his compositions Raul prefers to mix soulful acoustic parts with electronic effects. The result is right in one click from you – an easy-listening music that could help you to chill out after another stressful day at the office. Also our regular artists Cubic and Gipa remixed track ‘Brazo Del Dolor’ for a pleasure of electronic dance music lovers.

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