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Dub-o-phonic : Love fi life

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 26:51 - 320kb/s - 50.34 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/01/26 17:29h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

For the release of this mini album we are happy to introduce the first collaboration between Cyprus and Jamaica on our label. The conscious lyrics of the Spanish Town singer and poet Ibel Campbell blend with the musical compositions of Med Dred, accompanied by some exclusive dubs by Med Dred and Dub Caravan inna dubophonic style.

Born the eighth day of December 1967, at the Kingston Jubilee hospital, the Jamaican artist Ibel Campbell was registered ‘Scafford Campbell’ and is the first of miss Antoinette three children. His father died when he was just a toddler and grandma had to lend a hand with his growth and development. She resided in St. Thomas thus most of his earlier years were spent in the country. He began doing his own business of ‘heart’ –portraits, murals, t-shirts, backdrops, performing on the first and second staging of ‘East Fest’, recorded ‘Babylon a duppy’ at ‘Pent house’ studio for the Morgan’s heritage, is the first dub poet featured by ‘Jammin’s label with a tune called ‘travel the world’ done with ‘Bushman’ and is also the artist responsible for the art on the jacket of Taurus Riley’s first album. As a writer and poet he has written a book ‘Deep within Blackness’ soon to be in stores. He hopes his works will keep Blacks from slipping below their standard while making way over and around obstacles presented by a system without a face or a fixed address.

The internet highway made possible to meet at the other side of the globe our own Med Dred, who wrote for him the music for this mini album. The two bredrens used the internet to exchange their material. The music was composed and recorded in Cyprus, the vocals were recorded in Jamaica Spanish Town at Rippas Production and the whole project was finalised in Med Dred studio in Nicosia, Cyprus. Musical data travelled again from Cyprus to Dub Caravan’s studio in London, where a special version of “Protect me” was live dubbed and then forwarded back to Cyprus for the final mastering.

One last word about the credits on this release: all music written, produced, mixed & mastered by Med Dred while all vocals written and performed by Ibel. Med Dred played melodica on the dubs and percussion on “Protect me”, Kyp Paraskeva played electric guitars on “Rise” and Felix Dub Caravan played guitars & bass on “Protect me”. Deepest respect to our bredren Felix Dub Caravan for providing us “Protection dub”, a live analogue dub cut of “Protect me”, which is included as a special bonus track.

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