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Yarn Audio : Jacaranda

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Playtime: 3:44 - 320kb/s - 7.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/10/13 01:26h



experimentalguitarelectronicabstractleftfield Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Shortly after its first birthday, bass music netlabel Yarn Audio reports back sonorously with laid-back Leftfield. Turning Torso’s Single bewitches with its warm, reverberant instrumentals and hypnotising downtempo-beats. The Mexican producer uses processed guitar, electronics and field-recordings to create his unique blend of hazy Bass Music. After three EPs with mostly Trap- and Juke-influenced tunes Yarn Audio is opening up with its fourth release, following its mission of bringing forward thinking electronic music from the whole modern Bass Music spectrum. Be it from the darkest experimental corners or sparkling nightclubs’ breaking new ground. Watch out for Yarn’s first remix EP and banging ASA 808 stuff getting released soon…

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