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Yarn Audio : Jacaranda Remixes

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Playtime: 8:30 - 320kb/s - 15.94 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/10/01 15:53h



experimentalelectronicdownbeatbassdrum and bassdrum'n'bass Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

After the intoxicating reworks of Zimbra Sound’s percussive bass tunes and the diversified versions of Terrorrhythmus’ trap smashers, Yarn Audio presents two very special interpretations of Jacaranda by Mexican musician Turning Torso.
Tea Leaf is a collaboration of the experimental beat-makers Amos Anton and Fingerman from Leeds. The childhood friends transform Turning Torso’s experimental guitar track into a light-headed bass excursion. Ever- changing rhythms and sophisticated sub-bass rise around the lush melody of «Jacaranda». With their first release the young producers prove to be masters of suspense.
The second remix comes from Eeph. The upcoming producer transfers the spaced-out atmosphere of «Jacaranda» into a drum’n’bass framework. The member of the «Sublime Soundsystem» collective reduces the fast beat to a minimum, hypnotising with the hissing and chirring of the original and the bass sparely breaking trough.

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