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Sostanze Records : Infectious Agent

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Playtime: 42:50 - 320kb/s - 80.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/10 23:46h



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Release Notes

Photo and Artwork: BrokenSpud []Artist: BrokenSpud  []Title: Infectious AgentGenre: Drum and BassRelease on: 11/06/2010Description:Attenzione!Agenti patogeni in libertà, si sconsiglia l'ascolto per i deboli di cuore! Un viaggio onirico rappresenta al meglio quest'album, ascoltatelo ad alto volume e a piccole dosi, vi darà una mano a scoprire i vostri stati alterati dal sogno. Le tracce si rincorrono attraverso 175 battiti al minuto, indicandovi il cammino per sonorità drum and bass, neurofunk e techstep. Sono sicuro che dopo il primo ascolto vi staranno stretti anche a voi questi generi, e vorrete chiamare l'autore dopo aver sentito Space debris, letteralmente 'Detriti spaziali', per chiedergli se fosse mai stato su Marte. Si consiglia come colonna sonora per leggere romanzi di Philip Dick.Warning! Infectious agents are in freedom, faint of heart people shouldnot listen!  The best description for this album is a dream journey, listen to it  loudly and in small doses, it will give you an hand in  discovering your moods while get altered by dreams. The tracks chase with each other at the rate of 175 bpm, revealing the way for drum 'n bass, neurofunk and techstep sounds.We bet that after the first listening of "Space debris" you'll be wondering if the author has ever actually been on Mars, and you'll want to call him looking for an answer.  Let us recommend this album as a soundtrack to accompany the reading of novels by Philip Dick.TRACKLIST:1. Altered States2. Far Star3. Haunted4. Infectious Agent5. Leaving Home6. Memories7. Obscure8. Space Debris V.I.P.Links:BrokenSpud []Sostanze Records []MySpace []SoundCloud []YouTube []Facebook []Mail []

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