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Section27 : Hilander (Disc Two) - Instrumentals

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Catalog number
Playtime: 46:15 - 320kb/s - 86.72 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/01/14 13:26h



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Release Notes

'Hilander' and its accompanying instrumentals are the lab results returned when two artists separated by the sea but not digitally are fused together and lurch forward to destroy your preconceptions of where Hip Hop belongs and where you think Electronic music is supposed to be heading.

At times echoes of a darker Brothomstates filter through only to be turned upside down by rap laced riddles and a forceful blend of sharpened machine beats, head nodding laced storms and cracked mournful shadows of melodies.

This is a place of heavy layers, lyrical meaning and programming that brings you to a raining bleak apothecary where only machines and thoughts live.

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