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djummi-records : Bralitz Vol. 3

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Playtime: 19:19 - 238kb/s - 27.05 MB
Date released
Date published
2020/07/31 14:01h



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Release Notes

Bralitz 2014 was special. Well, Bralitz is always special. But 2014 - „Aaahhwoo" - probably was our most distinctive and fun festival. Being our first two day festival, it took a lot of work preparing it. We even built an outside stage with our own hands, while getting eaten by mosquitoes.

Still we managed to record some music during the week. For the first time there was a song with German lyrics - that's special, too.

Bralitz connoisseurs will surely miss Nicolas Falcon's trade mark voice and songwriting - he couldn't be there that year. But he will be back for one of the next chapters!

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