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djummi-records : Bralitz Vol. 1

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Playtime: 29:33 - 320kb/s - 55.41 MB
Date released
Date published
2019/12/15 21:14h



lofiindiepopalternativeaaahhbralitzcharming Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The music you are listening to was recorded in the last week of August 2012 in Bralitz/Brandenburg, Germany. That year, there wasn’t a festival yet, just a small concert at the end of the week. So there was plenty of time to play music.

The basic tracks with guitars, drums and bass were mostly recorded live, on a stage in the old railway station’s former waiting hall. After that, the musicians from the aaahh-records family contributed their parts. No boundaries – there is soul infused pop, folky acoustic songs, quirky raps, and beautiful melodies.

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