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InfiniteLute : Attila

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Catalog number
Playtime: 30:17 - 320kb/s - 56.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/10/15 01:20h



freak folknew weird americaindianamunciesinger/songwriterpunk-blues Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Attila is a half an hour of folk-rock charged with delta wonk. Short Hand plays like a wild man on these twelve tracks. The instrumentation is raw, most striking his voice, which he wields like a voodoo stick to fling swamp mud at a rock 'n' roll sky. Thematically, the song cycle is just as solid and forceful, taking up subjects like self-assurance and existential fearlessness and evoking giants of history like Attila the Hun and Muhammad Ali that reverberate even through the "softer" songs.

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