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crazy language : Asynchronous I-O

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Playtime: 59:51 - 320kb/s - 112.22 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/03/15 19:46h



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Release Notes

01000100 01000011 01010010Bouncing glitches, echoed sub basses, walls of bleeps and flows of reduced tones: there's a lot to hear in Datacrashrobot's new album. With "Asynchronous I/O", Romania's Sorin Paun comes back to Crazy Language, on which he has already released two EPs under the Randomform moniker within the last years. This time around, though, things have become lusher, trickier, fuller.A particularly abundant sonic trip, this new album takes its listener to a wild ride into a multi-tonal world made of very detailed, carefully crafted ensembles. May it be old school beats or futuristic sounding glitches and vocal snippets, Datacrashrobot manages to juggle with a wide array of sounds, perform some highly acrobatic material, and still land on its feet. At times luring his listener with an accessible retro-feeling, at times giving a passing nod to such forefathers as Autechre, and at times building menacing arrangements of complex beats, this album impresses by the multitude of its layers as well as with the accuracy of its compositions.

It somewhat shouldn't come as a surprise that "Asynchronous I/O" can sound so complex and yet mature: Sorin Paun is no newcomer. With a dozen releases on various labels, this musician has acquired the experience and reputation of a talented bleep-smith, and this all transcribes perfectly in this new album. Enriched with remixes by his label-mates Huron, XZICD, AESTATE, Randomform, [//cut*repeat] and Mitoma the six original tracks and their at times playful, at times melodic re-interpretation form a byzantine et deep album. Multiples listens might be required to grasp Datacrashrobot's aim and tools, but the effort is very rewarding one.

______________________________________________________style:    dark electro experimental, glitchformat:    mp3 time:    00:59:43______________________________________________________the tracks are under creative commons: by-nc-nd 1-6 and 10 composed and recorded by Sorin Paun (Datacrashrobot, Randomform)track 7 by Mitomatrack 8 by [//cut*repeat]track 9 by XZICDtrack 11 by AESTATEtrack 12 by HuronArtwork by Sorin Paun by Crazy Languagehttp://www.crazy-language.de

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