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Bleepsequence : [blpsq011] live textures

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:37:48 - 304kb/s - 157.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/02/08 04:48h



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Release Notes

It has truly been an exciting first year behind the scenes at bleepsequence, a project formed from experimental collaboration and further evolved by the intriguing minds of its contributors. On top of ten distinct and distinguished release projects, collaborative efforts went beyond the virtual digital realm and took form in an intimate gathering in Bern, Swizterland in November of 2010, and as an anniversary gift to our listeners, we are proud to present these live textures as an insight to what transpired. Storlon, Adriano, and Mrz have spotlighted select extractions from their improvised performances, and as a special bonus Andrés Marcos has shared his entire 68 minute set for an even deeper glimpse into the evening. To top things off, Alexandre Lehmann adds an architextural visual flourish with stunning cover artwork, which demands further exploration in an included high resolution file.

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