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Surrism-Phonoethics is a Frankfurt, Germany based non-profit netlabel specializing in Experimental music. Some of their releases could be classified as Electronic art music/Electronic music, industrial or experimental music with sub-genres like Electro-Acoustic, Improvisation & Cut-Up. Their official launch occurred in 2008, with a release for Undress Béton ‘Tarentaliogy Defloration’ Free Music Archive. All their releases are free for download under Creative Commons or Copyleft licenses.

Surrism-Phonoethics based on the ideas of Surrealism, was founded by Undress Béton & Frater Surrallee, formalized after publication of their Surrism Manifesto to the Internet Archive as lettrrism_0000 in November 2007. As curators for the Free Music Archive their releases can also be found in the WFMU hosted resource for free music the FMA archives. The release labeled as ‘sPE_0001’ ‘Caged?’ in February 2010 by Igor Jovanovic (Lezet) consists of 10 Prepared Piano pieces, was the first Artist, besides the founders who released to their catalogue. Music of their catalogue has been part of the Glossolalia series produced by Oliver Fay and hosted by Resonance FM.

noiseexperimentaljazzavant-gardeelectro-acousticsurrismphonoethicscontemporary classicavant-off-guardunrecordism Please login to edit Tags
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 [sPE_0059]   Blue Orchid  
Blue Orchid by-nc-nd
by Kommissar Hjuler
on suRRism-Phonoethics
2 Tracks, 1 Artist '293 Downloads [i]
 [sPE_0057]   A Little Antholo...  
A Little Anthological Compilat... by-nc-nd
by Sibyll Kalff
on suRRism-Phonoethics
12 Tracks, 1 Artist 1'373 Downloads [i]
 [sPE_0055]   Pasiarod  
Pasiarod by-nc-nd
by Knyaz Mishkin
on suRRism-Phonoethics
1 Track, 1 Artist '211 Downloads [i]


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 colonel XS  
colonel XS
1 Release, 1 Label