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Petr Drkula

Last Update
2019-07-30 09:19:31

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Artist Profile

Petr Drkula (Czech Republic) released several albums on netlabels like Test Tube, AudiTong, Digitalbiotope, Abdicate Cell, Mahorka, Protoplazma. He experiments with a clean-cut range of digital and audio sound sources in minimal way with sense of purity and clarity of construction. In this production he frequently use arpeggiating, delaying, layering, shifting and breaking of a structure in all parameters.

Petr Drkula graduated as Ph.D. in music theory and he is theoretically concerned with music creativity phenomenon in general and educational viewpoint. In this area he contributed by number of studies, writings and recently completed book entitled „Experiment, Composition and Improvisation in Music Education: Inspirations of British Provenance“. This domain is also subject of his special lectures and workshops.

Although the music of Petr Drkula is related more likely with a digital media, he also processes an acoustic components especially within the frame of his live performances. This endeavour is more linked by traditional music of his native land or by finding of a grounds of musical expression as such. Certain aboriginal and nonenlightening approach is still integral idiom of his musical creations, no matter how they are externalized.

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