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Last Update
2019-07-30 17:42:32

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Artist Profile

Sobyanin also known as Constantine Konsantinovich Meteostat, born in January 1990 in Russia. Hometown Zheleznovodsk, but at the moment to be in the city of Ulyanovsk, where to learn and create music enjoyable to read, they are the same, all genres of quiet and melodic drum and bass lines. Prompted to write the music, DJ Apollo, creating shillout and intelligent drum and bass, explaining that mankind needed harmony)))
The main genre meteostat not immediately determined, first, he created all the musical styles that were known to the world and only on the expiration of the time Intelligent drum and bass firmly strengthened in the head musician.

The compositions of Constantine issued several times on different commercial labels, but the tracks have been released and free to download, and later a DJ does not think to enter into contracts with record labels in order to more audiences have heard his songs.

The most important thing in writing music finds an embedding of a particle of his soul into every track written. Does not take criticism to heart as well as praise, but certainly listens to what they say. After all, if something is out of these two factors do not directly filter the accept what you say, then so can retire and DJ ...

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