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Last Update
2019-07-30 17:30:13

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Epoxia defined by Luar (2006):

“Surely by the affective lacks of my childhood, as an adult I always looked for to scandalize others. I tried to make always an almost extreme creative effort. As time passed by, I developed the theory of an “epoxic world” devoid of logic rules logics and plenty of new ideas, with high creative expressions and all the humor that was possible for me to express.

One day, I tried to express that into music; nevertheless, the result was very different from what I expected.

Along with Vate. I reached the conclusion that electronic music is not done by robots; music must have an intention, express a message and always tell a history. Otherwise, music will only be a series of dead sounds.

Therefore, the music of Epoxia reflects some of my thoughts and deeper desires: to be a new man, to avoid at all costs music wich ends as a collection of moans by lost love and to criticize pride in all its forms. ”

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