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wavelike : wave015 ~ Kinko Acid ~ Galactic Cirrus

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Catalog number
Playtime: 37:29 - 320kb/s - 70.28 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/10/14 22:14h



electronicaexperimentalelectronicoldschoolaciddeepatmosphericwavelike Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

There was a strange Sound. Caught by Earthlings. Many Years ago. It seems to be a extraterrestrial Signal. Man tried to reproduce this luminous Waveforms to get in touch with the Source. But it never responded. Instead the Earthlings found out that these Waves had the power to connect themselves. They started to Produce more and more of these Sounds. The deeper they immersed, the greater was the effect. After decades of research and development, the man were then able to communicate entirely through Music. A Universal Language spoken and understood by everyone. A Language that not only describes us and our Environment, but also creates a totally new Reality the Moment it is spoken. No Questions - Just Answers.

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