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wavelike : wave009 ~ Sinus Force ~ Sinus Therapy

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Catalog number
Playtime: 45:05 - 320kb/s - 84.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/05/18 00:56h



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Release Notes

“When he wins a battle, the warrior celebrates. This victory has cost him anxious moments, nights racked with doubt, endless days of waiting. Since ancient times, celebrating a triumph has been part of the ritual of life itself: celebration is a rite of passage. His companions see the warrior of light’s joy and think: ‘Why is he doing that? He might be disappointed in his next battle. He might draw down on himself the wrath of his enemy.’ But the warrior knows why he is celebrating. He is savouring the best gift that victory can bring: confidence. He celebrates yesterday’s victory in order to gain more strength for tomorrow’s battle.” by Paulo Coelho

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