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wavelike : wave001 ~ GabeeN ~ Kontakt

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Catalog number
Playtime: 22:39 - 320kb/s - 42.47 MB
Date published
2011/01/28 21:40h



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Release Notes

“The warrior of light is now waking from his dream. He thinks: ‘I do not know how to deal with this light that is making me grow.’ The light, however, does not disappear. The warrior thinks: ‘Changes must be made that I do not feel like making.’ The light remains, because ‘feel’ is a word full of traps. Then the eyes and heart of the warrior begin to grow accus-tomed to the light. It no longer frightens him and he finally accepts his own Legend, even if this means runnings risks. The warrior has been asleep for a lomg time. It is only natural that he should wake up very gradually.” by Paulo Coelho

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