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audiotalaia netlabel : the clifts

Catalog number
Playtime: 23:27 - 144kb/s - 20.79 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/21 20:23h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

After the album released on summer 2008 at Resting Bell, Southern Recordings. Edu Comelles aka Mensa moved to Scotland where he is studying sound design. From the ashes of Southern Recordings arosed an extended mix of one of the track of this mini album.

The Clifts it's another turning point on the concrete approach of Mensa in issues like soundscapism and composition. The piece it's almost 17 minutes long and goes on like a changing soundscape that evolves in different shapes keeping a slow pace of progression.

The sound of Mensa project always has a reference to landscape. This time the influence gets bigger and what is seen throught the eyes becomes sound. In Nordic Recordings, Scandinavia was the reference, at Southern Recordings the dry mediterranean country was the main character. In the Clifts the massive grass extentions of the Scottish countryside become the center of attention.

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