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Bushmen Records : terra incognita

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Playtime: 45:25 - 192kb/s - 51.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/12 17:43h



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Release Notes

terra incognita by nightowl ---------- (Original release notes) epilogue My journey continues and on my way, I have learnt many things about life and about myself. There are still unexplored regions. But that's the fun part. ;) ---------- // Track Listing 01. leaving the city 02. a tale out of africa 03. facing the elements 04. navigating by the stars 05. perservere 06. once upon a moonlit sky 07. soul search 08. the day the moon sunk 09. sleepy time 10. an interlude in time 11. lope 12. journey to the edge of the universe 13. the eccentric sapiens 14. wonderer 15. the tree of knowledge 16. tick // Re-release Date May 2011 (Originally released February 2005) // External Sources Cover designs by nightowl // Label Bushmen Records - Release Number - bush23 // License Licensed under Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa

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