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BFWrecordings : sinequanone

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Catalog number
Playtime: 10:43 - 320kb/s - 20.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/08/15 22:52h



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Release Notes

Total running time: 10:40
The debut EP on BFW from Maybe Starry Skies. This is a collection of three instrumental songs with influences from indie and shoegaze - this is a beautiful laidback EP. "After many years playing punk-rock in several bands, I recently started a new musical project based on instrumental pieces of music, inspired by post-rock, movies, and emotional atmospheres. Maybe Starry Skies could be defined as music to listen on the road, when the night has fallen, travelling to unknown cities. For now I am working on my music alone, but I'm always looking for collaborations and contributions to build and make Maybe Starry Skies' universe evolve." - Maybe Starry Skies

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