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fish recordings : roomoff+dysphory-vodokanal

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 5:48 - 320kb/s - 10.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/16 14:07h



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Release Notes

anniversary release number thirty on fish recordings is here and we are proud to present the first longplayer on our label:

ROOMOFF - "NIGHTWOLF LP" [fishrecordings / FISH030]

once there was a special force elite soldier and his codename was "nightwolf". he was sent to the most complicated situations only where it usually was not possible to land with a plane or arrive with any other kind of vehicle. he was a so called "jumper", the best one of the paratroops worldwide. he was able to survive over three weeks without any food and he never experienced problems with a lack of "vitamins" or nutrient. but the biggest problem for his superiors was to control him because he was a real "psycho". he was known for acting on his own authority in the field in a very radical way. being on his last mission, he had to cope with a crucial situation in which he decided to swim through a special defense system called "vodokanal" (an artificial river filled with poisenous water). the poison attacked his organism real hard and so he lost his mind and imagined he would have been attacked by a "valkyrie". in a furious rage he started to try to stab it but only stabbed himself dozens of times and died in consequence. while dying he spluttered some last letters into his communication headset: "b.f.g.". they never found out what he meant...

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