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fish recordings : qmare - I FOUND A WAY TO EGYPT

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 4:43 - 320kb/s - 8.84 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/17 22:10h



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Release Notes

release number eleven on fish recordings brings you some thing very special:qmare comes from zywiec in poland, so it was quite hard for him to finda way to know, there are more than 4000 km to travel: from poland toslovakia, over to hungary and romania, from bulgaria over to turkey.from there to syria and israel and finally to egypt. you have to touchthree continents (europe, asia and africa) and you will have lots ofgood times with some of the social, political and cultural"determinants" in all countries you visit. maybe you get lost somewhere(lol) or even carried away...but if you get to egypt, your efforts willbe recompensed by the great egyptian gifts for all guests: a lot ofsand, some sand and even more sand. fresh out of the desert!

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