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phonocake : phoke25

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Playtime: 26:39 - 221kb/s - 34.22 MB



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Release Notes

Up to now, dancefloor tracks have not really been represented on Phonocake. Those days are over now, though, because Alec Troniq is helping us out there with the latest release: three tracks with a total length of roughly 26 minutes and from a genre that lets quite a few electronica lovers furrow their brows. But no reason to worry: Alec Troniq holds up Phonocake's honor and the love for music, letting us hear uncompromising, but somehow tasty dancefloor, which, by the way, works wonderfully as a soundtrack for riding your bicycle (and for dancing, too), as I tried myself, because all of a sudden you find yourself on the other end of the city owing to the enthusiastic beats.

The obvious length of the tracks doesn't annoy or bore the listener, because Alec Troniq surely knows how to construct a track that keeps up a continuous variation, so that listening to the tracks is entertaining till the end. This is very apparent in the "Eternal Track", which develops into many variations of itself during the roughly eleven minutes of playtime, never reaching a point where you'd want to switch it off. All three tracks use and play with musical elements from different genres, which doesn't allow for an easy categorization into conventional stereotypes. Naturally, thoughts about Ibiza might occur to you while listening to the tracks but hey, that's not really a bad thing, is it?

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