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SkySociety : peu-peu-bueeee!

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Catalog number
Playtime: 45:24 - 128kb/s - 34.05 MB
Date published
2010/01/10 14:22h



breakcore8-bitchiptunechipbreaks Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Exclusive new mix for Sky Society is brought to you by the man who can cheer up even the emogoth dancehall and turn kids into real Marios and Pacmans!!! You must know him – Nikolay Nikolaevich from Nikolaev or simply Click*Bleep*Beep. When you hear it you will puke tetris bricks!

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

4 8 bit Allstars
4 8 bit Allstars
Airplay Playlist
19 Tracks | Playtime: 02:45:13
lo-fi freaks lo-fi funk lo lofi 8-bit lo-fi chiptune fi  

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