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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:12:06 - 320kb/s - 135.19 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/03 11:10h



experimentalambientelectroniccomputer musiccsound Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

nx005 is a collection of sounds generated from a patch of Csound.

The patch is a small variation of a granular generator appeared in the first chapter of the “The Csound Book” and programmed by Dr. Richard Boulanger.

The algorithm that controls the duration of sound and silence is as follows:

        1.  8 mono files  with 12 minutes are created.

        2. A pseudo-random generator chooses between this matrix, where 0 means silence and 1 sound.  The divisions are multiples of 3 minutes.

              1000              0100              0010              0001

              1100              0110              0011              1001              1010              0101

              1110              0111              1101              1011


        3.  The 8 files are cut according to the matrix and becomes an overall stereo mix.

The code has been implemented in Ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04, CsoundPython,  Ecasound andSox.

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