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ComputerMusicNeix : nx004 Automatic

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:09:34 - 320kb/s - 242.94 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/24 00:02h



experimentalambientalgorithmiccomputer musicpuredata Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Aesthetic considerations:

After much time listening to jazz, jazz-rock, rock, beethoven, contemporary music, etc. I was tired. I no longer listen to music. But one day came to my ears Morton Feldman, Messiaen and Cage and I revived.

I need to get back to the minimum as an exercise to avoid the existential void.

Technical considerations:

I like to divide the computer sound to the classic way. Purely electronic sounds created with Puredata (this is the case) and acousmatic sounds (with samples) with Supercollider.

A simple Python script creates a semi-deterministic score (qlist) for 4 simple puredata generators.

(cover painting by Giovanna Parera Apaza)

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