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ComputerMusicNeix : nx002 Automatic

Catalog number
Playtime: 47:29 - 320kb/s - 89.03 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/10/25 02:44h



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Release Notes


nx002_Automatic it’s a collection of semideterministic organized sound made with the sound computer language Supercollider in emac’s linux system.


The material is the same as nx001_Livecode:

- Four synths (in this case SynthDef).

- Twelve samples.

Every time one of the synthesizers is initiated its parameters are randomized within a specific range. Therefore we can say it is a pseudo-random play, but not algorithmic, since the style does not use structures ”if … then …”.

The only post-production was done with Audacity, cutting off parts of silence and normalizing to -0.2bB.

Making music without the physical feedback of traditional instruments (piano, guitar, midi controllers, etc..), Using only computer control structures (as in livecode) is a way to free some of the expression of feelings and self to facilitate the manifestation of the cognitive processes in music.

The sound generated automatically and pseudo-random is a greater degree in the dissolution of self. It is, in some ways, releasing the sound of the decisions of the composer.

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