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restingbell : music for moles

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Catalog number
Playtime: 10:01 - 320kb/s - 18.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/10/09 12:15h



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Release Notes

gillicuddy is definitely a man for special releases. Remember his last ep "the repeating thoughts..." on Resting Bell, containing 2 - no! - 4, or better, 5 tracks? "music for moles" contains 10 tracks and this time no track repeats, I promise. The songs were mostly recorded during the "the repeating thoughts..." sessions and they are all beautiful folk-sketches in a pretty rough stage. And because of the raw outfit I'll also give you a pretty sketchy release description, based on the notes gillicuddy gave to me: - Consider the whole thing as sort of a "fragmentary musical fairy tale"- The genre tag of the audio files is (fittingly) set to "soundtrack"- This is "krtek": It's been recorded with the memo function of a Sony Ericsson K550i mobile phoneSo you can see: It's about moles, it has kind of a concept and it's been recorded with a mobile phone. Make your own picture and enjoy it.

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