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enoughrecords : mass mutation |
Released on Artist Catalog number enrmp051 Playtime: 01:18:03 - 196kb/s - 88.68 MB Date released 2005/06/23 Date published 2014/05/24 18:49h Downloads 1026 |
- aLL OF OUr enemYSmutantlab
- B-LIKE_mE (God_MaDe-me_fUnky)mutantlab
- we CaLL iT JOneSTOwnmutantlab
- i DOn'T WanT TO GO TO CUBamutantlab
- wHiTe niGHTmutantlab
- THe miniSTer OF JUSTiCemutantlab
- HeY KOOL-aiD!mutantlab
- THiS maNmutantlab
- maSS mUTaTiOnmutantlab
%s1 / %s2
Release Notes |
A guest release by Mutantlab with some easy listening beats and excerpts from the last known audio recordings of The Peoples Temple Cult led by Rev. Jim Jones which commited an act of mass suicide In 1978.
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