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gekko mix : loopzilla064

Released on
Playtime: 01:04:16 - 192kb/s - 72.30 MB

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Release Notes

01 EFF WILLETT - life organisms [c-c-rec_mp3_010]
02 TANOX - flecha [pn026]
03 ROBERTO MASSONI - parque chas [808.1]
04 OCRALAB - aulos [did017]
05 HP.STONJI - piano expeditions II [aa01]
06 KIORDA DAEKIN - meditate [1bit031]
07 HALO XVI - lost evenings [lav24]
08 ANTENDEX - quanta [nnnl.17]
09 ZZZZRA - mecanographie phase 1 [schall_008]
10 ORGANON - spatium [bmd003]
11 STEVIEP - head rush [stir028]
12 DANIEL CAREW - bored of canada [ykyk013]
13 DOMESTICATION OF THE DOG - junior earth [hc180]
mixed by machtdose (roland)
original artwork by edgard robertson
64:10 min / 192 kbps / 92 mb

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