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gekko mix : loopzilla060

Released on
Playtime: 01:03 - 320kb/s - 112.59 MB

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Release Notes

01. LIQUID LEVEL - input [inoQuo]
02. PELLARIN - dependency 3 [yukiyaki]
03. DARK VIBRATIONS - replay [tropic]
04. FREDDY MUSRI - biological support 2 [tropic]
05. BRIAN KAGE - zebes [thinner]
06. MIKEL MENDIA - larre [tropic]
07. PAUL KEELEY - new seclusion [epsilonlab]
08. TLEILAXU - highlite (marc ahsken remix) [unfoundsound]
09. YRACK - stone jungle [tropic]
10. SR.CLICK - minimal rustic (2) [inoQuo]
11. STUART MCKEOWN - booze bus [unfoundsound]
12. IGOR O. VLASOV - star strider [tropic]
13. SENSUAL PHYSICS - arcs And Master [thinner]
14. GLANDER - shakershoes [clear-cut]
15. DANIEL BLOMQVIST - not for me [thinner]
mixed by project swirl

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