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audiotalaia netlabel : live recordings 12.05.08

Catalog number
Playtime: 31:13 - 320kb/s - 58.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/20 15:52h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Audiotalaia is really pleased to present the first collaboration between Nigul and Mensa. After recording a few sessions of improvised material they have joined forces to consolidate a two track album with wide open soundscapes and extensive drones everything mixed to construct a geography where the dark ambient of Nigul meet the shinny textures of Mensa.

The whole album it's presented as a kind of homage to experimental improvisation always keeping on mind the aim to construct a liquid landscape where changes happen slowly. Nigul and Mensa had been working without any border lines they work with no plans, just a road that it's going on.

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