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restingbell : feathers

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 21:37 - 320kb/s - 40.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/22 10:26h



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Release Notes

Fallen are brothers Andrew and Richard Fryer who come from the south of England. The group was formed in 1999 making spooky neurotic jungle. Over the course of nine releases they have gradually evolved into a more meditative proposition and are now purveyors of a sort of outsider dreampop. Fallen’s last recording, “A rare camouflage” is available on the cookanegg imprint. Andrew is also the man behind Boy swung tunnel whose album “The sun sparks” is on the Format noise label.Their EP “feathers” consists of 6 tracks with a complete duration of about 22 minutes, and it is definitely the catchiest release on Resting Bell up to this moment. The music of Fallen is hard to describe. Referring to their own words it is dreamy pop-music with a great sense for melodies and dramaturgy. You can also find these wall-of-sound-elements which make me think of shoegazer-bands from the nineties. Noises, crackles and loud parts. But behind all this there is always a melody shining through. There is always a leitmotif which guides you through the song. And there is always an element which you can’t get out of your mind.Enjoy this great release while warming your hands at the chimney and get your personal catchy tune right away.

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