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fish recordings : eRRe - Meat With Tomatoes

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Catalog number
Playtime: 5:51 - 320kb/s - 10.97 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/07 23:41h



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Release Notes

there are quite a few nice dishes you can make with meat and classic recipe for example would be some great pasta sauce bolognese (the traditional recipe was registered in 1982 by the bolognesedelegation of "accademia italiana della cucina"), and this is how thesimplest interpretation should be done:just put some good oliv oil into a pan. heat it up and get onions to it.wait a bit and add some mashed meat. after a few more minutes you should add fresh garlic, tomatoes and italian herbs and spices. just stir andsimmer it for a little while and you will get a delicious meal.another great recipe you could make with meat and tomatoes is a pizza:to be quick, get yourself a ready-made pizza dough at the supermarketand roll it out and put the mashed tomatoes on the pizza. afterwards addmeat (like ham for example), vegetables (just as liked) and mozzarella(or other kinds of cheese). put it into the oven and bake it for ten tofifteen minutes, you will get a marvelous pizza.and the famous "gyros" (a greek variant) or "kebap" (the turkish,persian, caucasian, israeli, asian and some of the african variants) isa good way to eat meat with tomatoes:it is a dish consisting of meat which you have to marinate with a spicysauce consisting of salt, pepper and some herbs. afterwards grill it onan upward rotisserie grill and serve with tomato, onion, some kind ofgarlic sauce and pita bread.if you want to smell what erre is cooking just check out his tune "meatwith tomatoes"!

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