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restingbell : doodling

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 12:16 - 128kb/s - 9.20 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/29 10:34h



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Release Notes

Oskar Hallbert is a Swedish composer who makes minimal music; tranquil melodies, documentary field recordings and the warm hiss you get from old microphones, casette tapes and an out of date mp3-player. You might know him from his former online releases on Zymogen or Rain Music. He has also released physical albums on small underground lables around the world, most recent on U.K. based Heat death.The EP "doodling" consists of 5 tracks and is 12 minutes and 12 seconds long. All songs are like little folk-miniatures for instance containing simple guitar-figures, a toy keyboard and field recordings. The feeling of the EP reminds me of old photographs found in the attic, with buckled corners, covered with dust, and with faded colouration. They are like pieces of frozen time, they tell a fraction of a story.

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