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BFWrecordings : diaphone

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Catalog number
Playtime: 15:38 - 320kb/s - 29.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/11 11:28h



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Release Notes

The debut on BFW recordings from Russian indie band |sistra|, or more correctly, |систра|. The band have gained some recognition in their native Russia and rightly so. Diaphone is a collection of heartful songs. The band's delivery is powerful and emotional. Close to post rock but more fragile and less apocalyptic. We have much more from |sistra| in the near future.

|sistra| is a indie-electronic rock band from Kabarovsk, Russian Federation. Spreading own music from internet they gained some recognition among Russian independent music scene. Some singles are in rotation on several Russian radio stations across the country. Radio Maximum (Moscow) named |sistra| one of the best newcomers of Russian indie-music scene.

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