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gezeitenreiter : buddha bei de fische

Released on
Playtime: 33:56 - 169kb/s - 34.21 MB
Date published
2011/01/02 17:59h



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Release Notes

    ;|  unlocatable between blues-like songwriter chanson and spiritual |;    `|__  enthno pop and around the corner of oriental ambient sounds __|'     |.' the two being mainly gitarist & not too dumb to use computers .|     |;  are having much fun in their hull-berlin-connection with alot ;|   __|'  good tea so they can free the comedians on the inside. and in `|__   `.|    case of successfully finished docking of the listeners with   |.'    ;|     their music loving attitude it leads to permanent grining    |;    `|__    up till you laugh your ass of, guaranteed to remember...  __|'     |.' available besides this free download, for the "in your hand" `.|     |;    agreements or a fitting donation in excellent cd quality    :|   __|'             and a 4 pages colored cover. have fun!             `|__   `.|                                                                  |.'    ;|     unverortbar zwischen bluesigem liedermacher chanson und      |;    `|__ spirituellem ethnopop, gleich um die ecke von orientalischem __|'     |.'        ambient haben die zwei vorwiegend gitaristen und      `.|     |; computer-nicht-ganz-untauglichen in der hull-berlin-connection ;|   __|'  eine menge spafl bei gutem tee und holen mitunter auch mal die `|__   `.|      ebenso musikverliebten karikaturisten heraus, was bei       |.'    ;|   erfolgreicher ¸bertragung auf den zuhˆrer zu wiederkehrendem   |;    `|__ grinsen bis lachanf‰llen f¸hrt & wiedererkennung garantiert. __|'     |.'     erh‰ltlich neben diesem kostenlosen download zu den      `.|     |;  "in deine hand"-bedingungen oder f¸r eine passende gabe in    :|   __|'   exzellenter cd-qualit‰t mit 4-seiten-farbcover. viel spafl!   `|__   `.|                                                                  |.'    ;|     j¸nther & heinz are a germany-england-turkye connection      |;    `|__        emanuel schrˆder, david gawthorpe, ˆzlem erdem        __|'     |.'                                                              `.|     |;                 all songs by j¸nther & heinz                   :|   __|'             ascii art by zefyros/g-incorporated                `|__

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