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auflegware : alw038 Toruda EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 37:09 - 320kb/s - 69.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/20 14:34h



videonetaudioauflegwarealw038netreleasegeof bellfreykaster cordalischris hirose Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The young talented Geoff Bell starts releasing at auflegware in 2007 with slowly dub Techno tracks. In this year we are happy to get new sound from the artist. This EP is the result of a strong musical enhancement of Geoff Bell. Now his sound is more influenced by Modern House & Minimal Funk. The tracks are getting some positive vibes and feelings at home on the dancefloor. Support comes from two talented german artists: Chris Hirose & Kaster Cordalis remixed some tracks. There is also a nice video that you keep smiling from The29Nov Films

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