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auflegware : alw034 Who am I EP

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Playtime: 31:32 - 320kb/s - 59.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/21 07:48h



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Release Notes

Who I am? What I am? Where I am? The netlabel auflegware starts in 2010 with the projects Ryko and Patryk Molinari from Berlin.Enrico M. joins auflegware in 2008 as "Ryko" and released some good Tech-House tunes. He worked on groovy housetunes under the synonym Patryk Molinari. Now he try to mix this two projekts and he asks himself "Who am I". In that way he presents three fluffy tracks, like candyfloss into sun, to stir our blood. The support comes from Mathis J. with a remix of "Keepin me".

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