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auflegware : alw021-SipdubBliss EP

Released on
Playtime: 35:45 - 320kb/s - 67.03 MB



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Release Notes

After the successfull Netlabel start of Anneke with the release "The Hip Back" on auflegware (alw016), here is the second step of the Berlin based talent.

This Release plays the typical duby emotional sound of the artist. The opening track "Simms dupp" is a very experimentel track with unplugged instruments, for example bass-guitar and saxophon. Smulgh and Plow are slowly dubtech tunes, it creates an deep emotional atmospheric sprit.

But not enough, there are massive remix support from Thomas Marlow (Enliven). He gives us his typical bongolized touch of the track "Plouw". The other remix comes from Jano Brook with a pumping club version of Simms Dupp

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