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auflegware : alw015-hard ware EP

Released on
Playtime: 29:00 - 320kb/s - 54.38 MB



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Release Notes

“The knowledge that listening and feeling to music is a mirror which reflects the thoughts and emotions of the creator...” the way that the both innovative sound freaks from Thuringia / Germany are making music. Alex and Hanz (as known as Mint 4000) will show you their love to the hardware synths with this 4 track EP. This release isn't only a straight dancefloor filler. The warm impressive pads and soft fields also will get intouch with your soul.

This project shows you in a fascinating way that bitreduced soundelements not always have to be used by producing a hard minimal tune. Beside the hypnotizing track *Phantom*, which baseline will bring you down, the track *Memory Charger* is the experimental way of the project. A jazzy bass line which interacts with the drums like a SouthAmerican folklore pushed by a dirty bitreduced synthline may sound verystrange but in this track it harmonizes perfectly.

The other two tracks are also a great journey into the universe of *Insert 84*.

All in all a great job.


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