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restingbell : a glass darkly

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Playtime: 22:04 - 256kb/s - 33.10 MB
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Release Notes

Segue is Jordan Sauer from Vancouver, Canada. His sound is a patchwork of textures and tones with a focus on the interplay of timbre. These sounds are created through the blending of various instruments (12-string guitar, piano, violin, melodica, glockenspiel, various percussive instruments) and incidental found sounds.His recent release "a glass darkly" is an absolutly beautiful, meditative and touching piece of music. Haunting melodies, guitar- and piano-miniatures, fieldrecordings, string-drones are blended together carefully to a 22-minute expedition into a deep sea, a unknown forest or a pristine clearing just before sunset. Every sound evolves slowly from a little bud to a magical blossom, which fades away to become another flower again.A constant evolution, giving you the feeling of warmth, depth and oneness.

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