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CerebralAudio : In Re flection

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:20:27 - 32kb/s - 15.08 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/02/10 02:14h



experimentalambientelectronicimprovisationcagegriegstockhausenwarts-and-all Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

(In/Re)flection is a set of experimental improvisations informed by compositional elements of Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage and Edward Grieg.

Each of the “MiniProvs” (an invented word based on the words MINIature and imPROVisation) were recorded using a different set of Rhodes Piano based instruments, and then manipulated using a ring modulator. In this way the ring modulator isn’t just used as a sound effect, but rather as an instrument to compliment the Rhodes. Not that all of the improvisations themselves were not edited: they are pure, raw recordings. I call them “warts and all” recordings as there are things that I might have termed mistakes or flubs, but in this instance felt it was important to be faithful to the recording as it actually happened.

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