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Catalog number
Playtime: 17:00 - 320kb/s - 31.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/11/08 01:04h



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Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

The folks in Spain have proven themselves time and time again, and here is a perfect example of some more tasty music coming from the region. Custe opens up this release with interesting track- part breakbeat, part electro, and all techno! The perfect soundtrack for lazy days and mind-melting nights. Haunting and daunting at the same time, Replace continues the pace. Highly percussive with little room for melody, this track nonetheless can be quite trance inducing. Finishing things up with the title track, Zodiako blends all of the elements that make up a good track and shoves them through your speakers with maximum force. Some things in life are hit and miss, but Kalter Ende has shown us here that there can sometimes be all hits and no misses!

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

15 November 2010
15 November 2010
Public Playlist
9 Tracks | Playtime: 47:05
dubstep techno electro industrial acid dub techno  

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