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PilotEleven : Young Machine

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Catalog number
Playtime: 29:00 - 320kb/s - 54.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/08/17 16:26h



electronicliveimprovisedfield recordings Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Young Machine is a record of Silo Portem's recent performance at Culture Lab in Newcastle University, with accompanying back-projected synchronised video.

Silo Portem is an experimental improvised music duo, comprising Simon Young on computer-based loops and effects, and Gillian Young on CD decks and effects. Their unique multi-layered sound combines their own field recordings and improvisations with sounds pulled from diverse sources, ranging from assorted sound FX CDs, through 20th century classical and film music, to samples of contemporary artists, all of which are manipulated beyond recognition. The result is a kaleidoscopic collage of moods, textures, rhythms and atmospheres.

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