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Catalog number
Playtime: 05:04:02 - 320kb/s - 570.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/03/12 10:38h



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Release Notes

It is Saito Koji-time again. He worked with labels like Kokeshidisk, Somehow Recordings, SEM , taâlem, Magic Book Records, Kesh Recordings, Gears of Sand Recordings, Median Recordings and element perspective. And he already released eight previous releases via Resting Bell.

His latest contribution to the Resting Bell-catalog is really huge. It is a five hour work. 16 titles with a duration of 4:33 minutes each and five long forms with 39 minutes to 48 minutes. The sixteen short tracks play with a distorted and rough tone. Little guitar miniatures are hidden under a dense curtain of hiss and dust. The long forms are coming with a cleaner guitar sound, playing with extrem short patterns, soft droning waves or swirling melodies.

Enjoy this massive work and thanks a lot for this wonderfull contribution, Saito.

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